* Add last used collection to right click menu.
* Small fix for last used collection when it's a published collection.
* Update last used collection when a collection is pending or published.
* Small refactor to get the last used collection.
## Cause
When 'selectRecommendedContentForUri' is filtering results against the blocklist, it relies on claim data which could be unresolved yet. It filters to empty results for this scenario, hence the flashing message.
## Change
Just return raw results when claims are not resolved yet, so that the GUI knows it needs to show the placeholders while resolving. After resolving, it'll go through the blocklist filtering again.
Currently, homepages are still build as part of the app, so this change doesn't bring much benefit other than to support the wrapper app.
When the service is moved away from the app, we won't have to rebuild the app when homepages change, and also the ui.js bundle would be smaller without the need to code-split.
* Bump react-draggable
Old version was giving out console errors for outdated react functions
* Refactor fileRenderFloating
* Merge fileRenderMobile into fileRenderFloating
* Fixes from review
* Attempt fix failed to view live
## Issue
534 prevent new channel creation over x channels
## Notes
Also handled from the API call (`doCreateChannel`) in case there are other UI components that create channels.
- CommentsList needs to return a title with comment amounts
- mobile player dimensions needed to fill in the cover
- hid livestream header for now until figuring out a better presentation
- ~colum-reverse~ was causing problems with MUI's drawer scrolling, so reversed the chat order and made it ~column~ by default
- Hid bottom expand navigation if component not yet opened
- some other style changes in the middle
## Issue
Closes 385
## Approach
As mentioned in the ticket, the current places where that info is needed is in the Invites Page and Social Share Component.
1. Invites Page: it is already doing the fetch on mount, so no issue there.
2. Social Share: show spinner until the data is fetched.
* Add ordering Icons
* Refactor doCollectionEdit
- It required claims as parameter, when only uris are used to populate the collection, so that was changed to pass down the uris instead.
- There were unused and mostly unnecessary functions inside, for example the parameter claimIds was never used so it would never enter the claimSearch function which again would be used to generate uris, so it's better to just use uris as parameter
* Add List Reordering changes
* Add toggle button for list editing
* Add toggle on content page collection sidebar
* Enable drag-n-drop to re-order list items
* Allow removing all unavailable claims from a List
* Fix <g> on icons
* Fix section buttons positioning
* Move preventDefault and stopPropagation to buttons div instead of each button, preventing clicking even if disabled opening the claim
* Change dragging cursor
* Fix sizing
* Fix dragging component
* Restrict dragging to vertical axis
* Ignore shuffle state for ordering
* Fix console errors
* Mobile fixes
* Fix sidebar spacing
* Fix grey on mobile after click
* Update publish form when editing livestream + update to radios for liveststream release time
* Fix bug where upload tools may remain visible upon switching upload type, even when no option to upload is available.
* move publish source state up, when editing livestream only show scheduling option when source is none.
* Reset any set release time if switching to live stream mode.
* Update date/time cmpnts to reset any chnages they made on umount. Update schedule date/time cmpnt to clear release time when selecting anytime option.
* Additional filtering of internal tags
* Default to replay view when editing a liveststream
- Query for that tag in the upcoming section
- Improve special tag organization
- Filter out the internal tags in the UI
- Add missing types to publish state
Props: either use primitives, stable references or memoized objects to reduce renders. This update will simplify the existing `areEqual`. It is still needed though as some props are hard to memoize from where they are called, or should simply be ignore.
I yanked out the parseURI part in a prior commit ... the comment was misleading me to think it was redundant. But it had another hidden function, which is to handle abandoned claims which `claim` will be `null`.
* apiCall: add option to not send the auth header
## Why
Want an option to make un-authenticated `resolve` calls where appropriate, to improve caching.
## How
All `apiCall`s are authenticated by default, but when clients add NO_AUTH to the params, `apiCall` will exclude the X_LBRY_AUTH_TOKEN. It will also strip NO_AUTH from the param object before sending it out.
* Add hook for 'resolve' and 'claim_search' to check and skip auth...
... if the params does not contain anything that requires the wallet.
* doResolveUri, doClaimSearch: let clients decide when to include_my_output
- No more hardcoding 'include_purchase_receipt' and 'include_is_my_output'
- doResolveUri: include these params when opening a file page. This was the only place that was doing that prior to this PR.
* is_my_output: use the signing_channel as alternative
## Notes
`is_my_output` is more expensive to resolve, so it is not being requested all the time.
## Change
Looking at the signing channel as the additional fallback, on top of `myClaimIds`.
## Aside
I think using `myClaimIds` here is redundant, as it is usually populated from `is_my_ouput`. But leaving as is for now...
## Why
- No memo required (no transformation).
- `makeSelect*` is an incorrect pattern.
## Changes
- Replaced makeSelectClientSetting with selectClientSetting.
- Remove unused selectShowRepostedContent.
## Issue
One of the bottlenecks of livestream page.
The component probably needs a re-design:
- Don't perpetually mount -- only mount when activated by the user through "@". This would avoid the heavy processing entirely.
- Better way of resolving uris (too many arrays, too many loops).
- Tom also mentioned that we should not be resolving every commenter as we see encounter them in a livestream. This is currently the case because the component is always mounted.
## Changes
Until the re-design occurs, attempt to cache the heavy processing. Also, trimmed down the amount of loops.
For the case of livestreams, the comments are added incrementally via websocket. The selector returns everything, which grows as a user watches the livestream.
We could even make it a bit more efficient by passing in `maxCount` to `filterComments`, and do a `for` loop there, but decided to keep things readable by not changing the `filter` usage.