* Prevent .deb packages from being opened with archive manager.
* Allow to properly cancel download upgrade and prevent multiple downloads.
* Fix missing app-update.yml file for .deb builds.
* Small fix for allowPrerelease prop in autoUpdater.
* Use release/tags endpoint to get the release details.
* Handle error case for auto updater.
* Make install now button display the upgrade modal.
* Use GitHub as provider for manual update url.
* Small fixes in updater.
* Fix small lint errors.
* Properly handle auto download on/off.
- Add "disable auto updates" setting (prevents downloading updates in the background but will still notify if there are newer versions)
- Prevent downloading multiple times the same update
- Hide nag when auto update modal is displayed
## Issue
Closes 4501 `Font size`
## New behavior
The Desktop app can now zoom the same way as browsers:
- Zoom In: "Ctrl+=" or "Ctrl+numpadPlus" or "Ctrl+WheelUp"
- Zoom Out: "Ctrl+-" or "Ctrl+numpadMinus" or "Ctrl+WheelDown"
- Zoom Reset: "Ctrl+0" or "Ctrl+numpad0"
## Code changes
(1) Electron provides this functionality through the `zoomIn|zoomOut|resetZoom` roles in the Menu, so it would have been a quick job.
However, given that Electron currently does not support having multiple accelerators for one item, we can't add `Ctrl+WheelUp` to the mix and would have to implement our own handler and use `webFrame`.
Given that we need to add code anyways, we handle both keyboard and mouse cases through the same handler, hence the existence of `zoomWindow.js`. It also provides the opportunity to few a few quirks with Electron's default implementation (e.g. stuck at both extremes)
(2) I recall there is another Issue for adding keyboard shortcuts. Given that these shortcuts are universally used in browsers, they are probably "reserved", so shouldn't clash with that task.
language and API consts
improve customization
custom homepages
get config from .env.default
custom title and logo
small changes
add pinned item to sidebar
users see welcome screen once and choose preference
SETTINGS moved to redux
took steps toward eliminating unwanted analytics in app based on preferences
settings page update to privacy controls and copy
persist welcome version
default tv on
clean up appstrings
populate prefs app only
wallet custody, app only router
settings on startup
welcome sync, 3p share sync, emojis
bump redux
fix app not building
fix sync bug, remove tvWelcomeVersion
disable internalshare setting while signed in