claim preview filter now checks signing channel outpoints #2674

jessopb merged 1 commit from filterChannelOutpoints into master 2019-07-27 03:54:14 +02:00

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@ -71,15 +71,22 @@ function ClaimPreview(props: Props) {
const isChannel = isValid ? parseURI(uri).isChannel : false;
const signingChannel = claim && claim.signing_channel;
let shouldHide = abandoned || (!claimIsMine && obscureNsfw && nsfw);
// This will be replaced once blocking is done at the wallet server level
if (claim && !shouldHide && blackListedOutpoints) {
shouldHide = blackListedOutpoints.some(outpoint => outpoint.txid === claim.txid && outpoint.nout === claim.nout);
// We're checking to see if the stream outpoint
// or signing channel outpoint is in the filter list
if (claim && !shouldHide && filteredOutpoints) {
shouldHide = filteredOutpoints.some(outpoint => outpoint.txid === claim.txid && outpoint.nout === claim.nout);
shouldHide = filteredOutpoints.some(
outpoint =>
(signingChannel && outpoint.txid === signingChannel.txid && outpoint.nout === signingChannel.nout) ||
(outpoint.txid === claim.txid && outpoint.nout === claim.nout)
function handleContextMenu(e) {