jessopb 0b41fc041a
Bringing in emotes, stickers, and refactors from ody ()
* [New Feature] Comment Emotes ()

* Refactor form-field

* Create new Emote Menu

* Add Emotes

* Add Emote Selector and Emote Comment creation ability

* Fix and Split CSS

* [New Feature] Stickers ()

* Refactor filePrice

* Refactor Wallet Tip Components

* Add backend sticker support for comments

* Add stickers

* Refactor commentCreate

* Add Sticker Selector and sticker comment creation

* Add stickers display to comments and hyperchats

* Fix wrong checks for total Super Chats

* Stickers/emojis fall out / improvements ()

* Fix error logs

* Improve LBC sticker flow/clarity

* Show inline error if custom sticker amount below min

* Sort emojis alphabetically

* Improve loading of Images

* Improve quality and display of emojis and fix CSS

* Display both USD and LBC prices

* Default to LBC tip if creator can't receive USD

* Don't clear text-field after sticker is sent

* Refactor notification component

* Handle notifications

* Don't show profile pic on sticker livestream comments

* Change Sticker icon

* Fix wording and number rounding

* Fix blurring emojis

* Disable non functional emote buttons

* new Stickers! ()

* Add new stickers ()

* Fix cancel sending sticker ()

* Refactor scrollbar CSS for portal components outside of main

Refactor channelMention suggestions into new textareaSuggestions component

Install @mui/material packages

Move channel mentioning to use @mui/Autocomplete combobox without search functionality

Add support for suggesting Emotes while typing ':'

Improve label to display matching term

Add back and improved support for searching while mentioning

Add support for suggesting emojis

Fix non concatenated strings

Add key to groups and options

Fix dispatch props

Fix Popper positioning to be consistent

Fix and Improve searching

Add back support for Winning Uri

Filter default emojis with the same name as emotes

Remove unused topSuggestion component

Fix text color on darkmode

Fix livestream updating state from both websocket and reducer and causing double of the same comments to appear

Fix blur and focus commentCreate events

Fix no name after @ error

* desktop tweaks

Co-authored-by: saltrafael <>
Co-authored-by: Thomas Zarebczan <>
Co-authored-by: Rafael <>
2022-01-24 11:07:09 -05:00

417 lines
16 KiB

// @flow
import { EMOTES_48px as EMOTES } from 'constants/emotes';
import { matchSorter } from 'match-sorter';
import { SEARCH_OPTIONS } from 'constants/search';
import * as KEYCODES from 'constants/keycodes';
import Autocomplete from '@mui/material/Autocomplete';
import BusyIndicator from 'component/common/busy-indicator';
import EMOJIS from 'emoji-dictionary';
import LbcSymbol from 'component/common/lbc-symbol';
import Popper from '@mui/material/Popper';
import React from 'react';
import TextareaSuggestionsItem from 'component/textareaSuggestionsItem';
import TextField from '@mui/material/TextField';
import useLighthouse from 'effects/use-lighthouse';
import useThrottle from 'effects/use-throttle';
const SUGGESTION_REGEX = new RegExp(
'(?<Mention>(?:^| |\n)@[^\\s=&#$@%?:;/\\"<>%{}|^~[]*(?::[\\w]+)?)|(?<Emote>(?:^| |\n):[\\w+-]*:?)',
/** Regex Explained step-by-step:
* 1) (?<Name>....) = naming a match into a possible group (either Mention or Emote)
* 2) (?:^| |\n) = only allow for: sentence beginning, space or newline before the match (no words or symbols)
* 3) [^\s=&#$@%?:;/\\"<>%{}|^~[]* = anything, except the characters inside
* 4) (?::[\w]+)? = A mention can be matched with a ':' as a claim modifier with words or digits after as ID digits,
* or else it's everything before the ':' (will then match the winning uri for the mention behind since has no canonical ID)
* 5) :\w*:? = the emote Regex, possible to be matched with a ':' at the end to consider previously typed emotes
const SEARCH_SIZE = 10;
const INPUT_DEBOUNCE_MS = 1000;
type Props = {
canonicalCommentors?: Array<string>,
canonicalCreatorUri?: string,
canonicalSearch?: Array<string>,
canonicalSubscriptions?: Array<string>,
canonicalTop?: string,
className?: string,
commentorUris?: Array<string>,
disabled?: boolean,
hasNewResolvedResults?: boolean,
id: string,
inputRef: any,
isLivestream?: boolean,
maxLength?: number,
placeholder?: string,
searchQuery?: string,
showMature: boolean,
type?: string,
uri?: string,
value: any,
doResolveUris: (Array<string>) => void,
doSetMentionSearchResults: (string, Array<string>) => void,
onBlur: (any) => any,
onChange: (any) => any,
onFocus: (any) => any,
export default function TextareaWithSuggestions(props: Props) {
const {
canonicalSubscriptions: canonicalSubs,
value: messageValue,
} = props;
const inputDefaultProps = { className, placeholder, maxLength, type, disabled };
const [suggestionValue, setSuggestionValue] = React.useState(undefined);
const [highlightedSuggestion, setHighlightedSuggestion] = React.useState('');
const [shouldClose, setClose] = React.useState();
const [debouncedTerm, setDebouncedTerm] = React.useState('');
// const [mostSupported, setMostSupported] = React.useState('');
const suggestionTerm = suggestionValue && suggestionValue.term;
const isEmote = suggestionValue && suggestionValue.isEmote;
const isMention = suggestionValue && !suggestionValue.isEmote;
const invalidTerm = suggestionTerm && isMention && suggestionTerm.charAt(1) === ':';
const additionalOptions = { isBackgroundSearch: false, [SEARCH_OPTIONS.CLAIM_TYPE]: SEARCH_OPTIONS.INCLUDE_CHANNELS };
const { results, loading } = useLighthouse(debouncedTerm, showMature, SEARCH_SIZE, additionalOptions, 0);
const stringifiedResults = JSON.stringify(results);
const hasMinLength = suggestionTerm && isMention && suggestionTerm.length >= LIGHTHOUSE_MIN_CHARACTERS;
const isTyping = isMention && debouncedTerm !== suggestionTerm;
const showPlaceholder =
isMention && !invalidTerm && (isTyping || loading || (results && results.length > 0 && !hasNewResolvedResults));
const shouldFilter = (uri, previous) => uri !== canonicalCreatorUri && (!previous || !previous.includes(uri));
const filteredCommentors = canonicalCommentors && canonicalCommentors.filter((uri) => shouldFilter(uri));
const filteredSubs = canonicalSubs && canonicalSubs.filter((uri) => shouldFilter(uri, filteredCommentors));
const filteredTop =
canonicalTop &&
shouldFilter(canonicalTop, filteredSubs) &&
shouldFilter(canonicalTop, filteredCommentors) &&
const filteredSearch =
canonicalSearch &&
(uri) => shouldFilter(uri, filteredSubs) && shouldFilter(uri, filteredCommentors) && uri !== filteredTop
let emoteNames;
let emojiNames;
const allOptions = [];
if (isEmote) {
emoteNames ={ name }) => name.toLowerCase());
const hasMinEmojiLength = suggestionTerm && suggestionTerm.length > EMOJI_MIN_CHARACTERS;
// Filter because our emotes are priority from default emojis, like :eggplant:
emojiNames = hasMinEmojiLength ? EMOJIS.names.filter((name) => !emoteNames.includes(`:${name}:`)) : [];
const emotesAndEmojis = [...emoteNames, ...emojiNames];
} else {
if (canonicalCreatorUri) allOptions.push(canonicalCreatorUri);
if (filteredSubs) allOptions.push(...filteredSubs);
if (filteredCommentors) allOptions.push(...filteredCommentors);
if (filteredTop) allOptions.push(filteredTop);
if (filteredSearch) allOptions.push(...filteredSearch);
const allOptionsGrouped =
allOptions.length > 0
? => {
const groupName = isEmote
? (emoteNames.includes(option) && __('Emotes')) || (emojiNames.includes(option) && __('Emojis'))
: (canonicalCreatorUri === option && __('Creator')) ||
(filteredSubs && filteredSubs.includes(option) && __('Following')) ||
(filteredCommentors && filteredCommentors.includes(option) && __('From Comments')) ||
(filteredTop && filteredTop === option && 'Top') ||
(filteredSearch && filteredSearch.includes(option) && __('From Search'));
let emoteLabel;
if (isEmote) {
// $FlowFixMe
emoteLabel = `:${option.replaceAll(':', '')}:`;
return {
label: emoteLabel || option.replace('lbry://', '').replace('#', ':'),
group: groupName,
: [];
const allMatches =
suggestionTerm || '',{ label }) => label)
) || [];
/** --------- **/
/** Functions **/
/** --------- **/
function handleInputChange(value: string) {
onChange({ target: { value } });
const cursorIndex = inputRef && inputRef.current && inputRef.current.selectionStart;
const suggestionMatches = value.match(SUGGESTION_REGEX);
if (!suggestionMatches) {
if (suggestionValue) setSuggestionValue(null);
return; // Exit here and avoid unnecessary behavior
const exec = SUGGESTION_REGEX.exec(value);
const groups = exec && exec.groups;
const groupValue = groups && Object.keys(groups).find((group) => groups[group]);
const previousLastIndexes = [];
let isEmote = groupValue && groupValue === 'Emote';
let currentSuggestionIndex = exec && exec.index;
let currentLastIndex = exec && SUGGESTION_REGEX.lastIndex;
let currentSuggestionValue =
cursorIndex >= currentSuggestionIndex &&
cursorIndex <= currentLastIndex &&
suggestionMatches &&
if (suggestionMatches && suggestionMatches.length > 1) {
currentSuggestionValue = suggestionMatches.find((match, index) => {
const previousLastIndex = previousLastIndexes[index - 1] || 0;
const valueWithoutPrevious = value.substring(previousLastIndex);
const tempRe = new RegExp(SUGGESTION_REGEX);
const tempExec = tempRe.exec(valueWithoutPrevious);
const groups = tempExec && tempExec.groups;
const groupValue = groups && Object.keys(groups).find((group) => groups[group]);
if (tempExec) {
isEmote = groupValue && groupValue === 'Emote';
currentSuggestionIndex = previousLastIndex + tempExec.index;
currentLastIndex = previousLastIndex + tempRe.lastIndex;
// the current mention term will be the one on the text cursor's range,
// in case of there being more in the same comment message
if (previousLastIndexes) {
return cursorIndex >= currentSuggestionIndex && cursorIndex <= currentLastIndex;
if (currentSuggestionValue) {
const token = isEmote ? ':' : '@';
const tokenIndex = currentSuggestionValue.indexOf(token);
// $FlowFixMe
beforeTerm: currentSuggestionValue.substring(0, tokenIndex), // in case of a space or newline
term: currentSuggestionValue.substring(tokenIndex),
index: currentSuggestionIndex,
lastIndex: currentLastIndex,
} else if (suggestionValue) {
const handleSelect = React.useCallback(
(selectedValue: string) => {
if (!suggestionValue) return;
const elem = inputRef && inputRef.current;
const newCursorPos = suggestionValue.beforeTerm.length + suggestionValue.index + selectedValue.length + 1;
const contentBegin = messageValue.substring(0, suggestionValue.index);
const replaceValue = suggestionValue.beforeTerm + selectedValue;
const contentEnd =
messageValue.length > suggestionValue.lastIndex
? messageValue.substring(suggestionValue.lastIndex, messageValue.length)
: ' ';
const newValue = contentBegin + replaceValue + contentEnd;
onChange({ target: { value: newValue } });
elem.setSelectionRange(newCursorPos, newCursorPos);
[messageValue, inputRef, onChange, suggestionValue]
/** ------- **/
/** Effects **/
/** ------- **/
React.useEffect(() => {
if (!isMention) return;
if (isTyping && suggestionTerm && !invalidTerm) {
const timer = setTimeout(() => {
setDebouncedTerm(!hasMinLength ? '' : suggestionTerm);
return () => clearTimeout(timer);
}, [hasMinLength, invalidTerm, isMention, isTyping, suggestionTerm]);
React.useEffect(() => {
if (!stringifiedResults) return;
const arrayResults = JSON.parse(stringifiedResults);
if (debouncedTerm && arrayResults && arrayResults.length > 0) {
doResolveUris([debouncedTerm, ...arrayResults]);
doSetMentionSearchResults(debouncedTerm, arrayResults);
}, [debouncedTerm, doResolveUris, doSetMentionSearchResults, stringifiedResults, suggestionTerm]);
// Disable sending on Enter on Livestream chat
React.useEffect(() => {
if (!isLivestream) return;
if (suggestionTerm && inputRef) {
inputRef.current.setAttribute('term', suggestionTerm);
} else {
}, [inputRef, isLivestream, suggestionTerm]);
// Only resolve commentors on Livestreams when first trying to mention/looking for it
React.useEffect(() => {
if (isLivestream && commentorUris && suggestionTerm) doResolveUris(commentorUris);
}, [commentorUris, doResolveUris, isLivestream, suggestionTerm]);
// Allow selecting with TAB key
React.useEffect(() => {
if (!suggestionTerm) return; // only if there is a term, or else can't tab to navigate page
function handleKeyDown(e: SyntheticKeyboardEvent<*>) {
const { keyCode } = e;
if (highlightedSuggestion && keyCode === KEYCODES.TAB) {
window.addEventListener('keydown', handleKeyDown);
return () => window.removeEventListener('keydown', handleKeyDown);
}, [handleSelect, highlightedSuggestion, suggestionTerm]);
/** ------ **/
/** Render **/
/** ------ **/
const renderGroup = (groupName: string, children: any) => (
<div key={groupName} className="textareaSuggestions__group">
<label className="textareaSuggestions__label">
{groupName === 'Top' ? (
<LbcSymbol prefix={__('Winning Search for %matching_term%', { matching_term: searchQuery })} />
) : suggestionTerm && suggestionTerm.length > 1 ? (
__('%group_name% matching %matching_term%', { group_name: groupName, matching_term: suggestionTerm })
) : (
<hr className="textareaSuggestions__topSeparator" />
const renderInput = (params: any) => {
const { InputProps, disabled, fullWidth, id, inputProps: autocompleteInputProps } = params;
const inputProps = { ...autocompleteInputProps, ...inputDefaultProps };
const autocompleteProps = { InputProps, disabled, fullWidth, id, inputProps };
return <TextField inputRef={inputRef} multiline select={false} {...autocompleteProps} />;
const renderOption = (optionProps: any, label: string) => {
const emoteFound = isEmote && EMOTES.find(({ name }) => name.toLowerCase() === label);
const emoteValue = emoteFound ? { name: label, url: emoteFound.url } : undefined;
const emojiFound = isEmote && EMOJIS.getUnicode(label);
const emojiValue = emojiFound ? { name: label, unicode: emojiFound } : undefined;
return <TextareaSuggestionsItem key={label} uri={label} emote={emoteValue || emojiValue} {...optionProps} />;
return (
filterOptions={(options) => options.filter(({ label }) => allMatches.includes(label))}
getOptionLabel={(option) => option.label || ''}
groupBy={(option) =>}
loading={allMatches.length === 0 || showPlaceholder}
loadingText={showPlaceholder ? <BusyIndicator message={__('Searching...')} /> : __('Nothing found')}
onBlur={() => onBlur && onBlur()}
/* Different from onInputChange, onChange is only used for the selected value,
so here it is acting simply as a selection handler (see it as onSelect) */
onChange={(event, value) => handleSelect(value.label)}
onClose={(event, reason) => reason !== 'selectOption' && setClose(true)}
onFocus={() => onFocus && onFocus()}
onHighlightChange={(event, option) => setHighlightedSuggestion(option)}
onInputChange={(event, value, reason) => reason === 'input' && handleInputChange(value)}
onOpen={() => suggestionTerm && setClose(false)}
/* 'open' is for the popper box component, set to check for a valid term
or else it will be displayed all the time as empty (no options) */
open={!!suggestionTerm && !shouldClose}
renderGroup={({ group, children }) => renderGroup(group, children)}
renderInput={(params) => renderInput(params)}
renderOption={(optionProps, option) => renderOption(optionProps, option.label)}
function AutocompletePopper(props: any) {
return <Popper {...props} placement="top" />;
function useSuggestionMatch(term: string, list: Array<string>) {
const throttledTerm = useThrottle(term);
return React.useMemo(() => {
return !throttledTerm || throttledTerm.trim() === ''
? undefined
: matchSorter(list, term, { keys: [(item) => item] });
}, [list, term, throttledTerm]);