* Add horizontal layout (#636) * Test out a horizontal scroll for upcoming (tile only for now) * - add support for list layout - add following label on home page - clan up css and naming conventions * Update header type + show only if scheduled streams are showing * [Playlist] Pull in sorting changes from desktop + Add Drag-n-Drop + Handle unavailable/deleted claims (#641) * Add ordering Icons * Refactor doCollectionEdit - It required claims as parameter, when only uris are used to populate the collection, so that was changed to pass down the uris instead. - There were unused and mostly unnecessary functions inside, for example the parameter claimIds was never used so it would never enter the claimSearch function which again would be used to generate uris, so it's better to just use uris as parameter * Add List Reordering changes * Add toggle button for list editing * Add toggle on content page collection sidebar * Enable drag-n-drop to re-order list items https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYZRRyukuIw * Allow removing all unavailable claims from a List * Fix <g> on icons * Fix section buttons positioning * Move preventDefault and stopPropagation to buttons div instead of each button, preventing clicking even if disabled opening the claim * Change dragging cursor * Fix sizing * Fix dragging component * Restrict dragging to vertical axis * Ignore shuffle state for ordering * Fix console errors * Mobile fixes * Fix sidebar spacing * Fix grey on mobile after click * cleanup Co-authored-by: Dan Peterson <dan@dan-peterson.ca> Co-authored-by: saltrafael <76502841+saltrafael@users.noreply.github.com>
253 lines
8.5 KiB
253 lines
8.5 KiB
// @flow
import React from 'react';
import classnames from 'classnames';
import { NavLink, withRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
import FileThumbnail from 'component/fileThumbnail';
import UriIndicator from 'component/uriIndicator';
import TruncatedText from 'component/common/truncated-text';
import DateTime from 'component/dateTime';
import ChannelThumbnail from 'component/channelThumbnail';
import FileViewCountInline from 'component/fileViewCountInline';
import SubscribeButton from 'component/subscribeButton';
import useGetThumbnail from 'effects/use-get-thumbnail';
import { formatLbryUrlForWeb, generateListSearchUrlParams } from 'util/url';
import { formatClaimPreviewTitle } from 'util/formatAriaLabel';
import { parseURI } from 'util/lbryURI';
import PreviewOverlayProperties from 'component/previewOverlayProperties';
import FileDownloadLink from 'component/fileDownloadLink';
import FileWatchLaterLink from 'component/fileWatchLaterLink';
import ClaimRepostAuthor from 'component/claimRepostAuthor';
import ClaimMenuList from 'component/claimMenuList';
import CollectionPreviewOverlay from 'component/collectionPreviewOverlay';
// $FlowFixMe cannot resolve ...
import PlaceholderTx from 'static/img/placeholderTx.gif';
type Props = {
uri: string,
date?: any,
claim: ?Claim,
mediaDuration?: string,
resolveUri: (string) => void,
isResolvingUri: boolean,
history: { push: (string) => void, location: { pathname: string } },
thumbnail: string,
title: string,
placeholder: boolean,
banState: { blacklisted?: boolean, filtered?: boolean, muted?: boolean, blocked?: boolean },
getFile: (string) => void,
streamingUrl: string,
isMature: boolean,
showMature: boolean,
showHiddenByUser?: boolean,
properties?: (Claim) => void,
collectionId?: string,
viewCount: string,
swipeLayout: boolean,
// preview image cards used in related video functionality, channel overview page and homepage
function ClaimPreviewTile(props: Props) {
const {
swipeLayout = false,
} = props;
const isRepost = claim && claim.repost_channel_url;
const isCollection = claim && claim.value_type === 'collection';
const isStream = claim && claim.value_type === 'stream';
// $FlowFixMe
const isPlayable =
claim &&
// $FlowFixMe
claim.value &&
// $FlowFixMe
claim.value.stream_type &&
// $FlowFixMe
(claim.value.stream_type === 'audio' || claim.value.stream_type === 'video');
const collectionClaimId = isCollection && claim && claim.claim_id;
const shouldFetch = claim === undefined;
const thumbnailUrl = useGetThumbnail(uri, claim, streamingUrl, getFile, placeholder) || thumbnail;
const canonicalUrl = claim && claim.canonical_url;
const permanentUrl = claim && claim.permanent_url;
const repostedContentUri = claim && (claim.reposted_claim ? claim.reposted_claim.permanent_url : claim.permanent_url);
const listId = collectionId || collectionClaimId;
const navigateUrl =
formatLbryUrlForWeb(canonicalUrl || uri || '/') + (listId ? generateListSearchUrlParams(listId) : '');
const navLinkProps = {
to: navigateUrl,
onClick: (e) => e.stopPropagation(),
const { location } = history;
let isValid = false;
if (uri) {
try {
isValid = true;
} catch (e) {
isValid = false;
const signingChannel = claim && claim.signing_channel;
const isChannel = claim && claim.value_type === 'channel';
const channelUri = !isChannel ? signingChannel && signingChannel.permanent_url : claim && claim.permanent_url;
const channelTitle = signingChannel && ((signingChannel.value && signingChannel.value.title) || signingChannel.name);
const repostedChannelUri = isRepost && isChannel ? permanentUrl || canonicalUrl : undefined;
// Aria-label value for claim preview
let ariaLabelData = isChannel ? title : formatClaimPreviewTitle(title, channelTitle, date, mediaDuration);
function handleClick(e) {
if (navigateUrl) {
React.useEffect(() => {
if (isValid && !isResolvingUri && shouldFetch && uri) {
}, [isValid, isResolvingUri, uri, resolveUri, shouldFetch]);
let shouldHide = false;
if (isMature && !showMature) {
// Unfortunately needed until this is resolved
// https://github.com/lbryio/lbry-sdk/issues/2785
shouldHide = true;
} else {
shouldHide =
banState.blacklisted || banState.filtered || (!showHiddenByUser && (banState.muted || banState.blocked));
if (shouldHide) {
return null;
const isChannelPage = location.pathname.startsWith('/@');
const shouldShowViewCount = !(!viewCount || (claim && claim.repost_url) || !isChannelPage);
if (placeholder || (!claim && isResolvingUri)) {
return (
<li className={classnames('claim-preview--tile', {})}>
<div className="placeholder media__thumb">
<img src={PlaceholderTx} alt="Placeholder" />
<div className="placeholder__wrapper">
<div className="placeholder claim-tile__title" />
className={classnames('claim-tile__info placeholder', {
contains_view_count: shouldShowViewCount,
let liveProperty = null;
return (
className={classnames('card claim-preview--tile', {
'claim-preview__wrapper--channel': isChannel,
'swipe-list__item claim-preview--horizontal-tile': swipeLayout,
<NavLink {...navLinkProps} role="none" tabIndex={-1} aria-hidden>
<FileThumbnail thumbnail={thumbnailUrl} allowGifs>
{!isChannel && (
<div className="claim-preview__hover-actions">
{isPlayable && <FileWatchLaterLink focusable={false} uri={repostedContentUri} />}
{/* @if TARGET='app' */}
<div className="claim-preview__hover-actions">
{isStream && <FileDownloadLink focusable={false} uri={canonicalUrl} hideOpenButton />}
{/* @endif */}
<div className="claim-preview__file-property-overlay">
<PreviewOverlayProperties uri={uri} properties={liveProperty || properties} />
{isCollection && (
<div className="claim-preview__collection-wrapper">
<CollectionPreviewOverlay collectionId={listId} uri={uri} />
<div className="claim-tile__header">
<NavLink aria-label={ariaLabelData} {...navLinkProps}>
<h2 className="claim-tile__title">
<TruncatedText text={title || (claim && claim.name)} lines={isChannel ? 1 : 2} />
{isChannel && (
<div className="claim-tile__about">
<UriIndicator uri={uri} />
<ClaimMenuList uri={uri} collectionId={listId} channelUri={channelUri} />
className={classnames('claim-tile__info', {
contains_view_count: shouldShowViewCount,
{isChannel ? (
<div className="claim-tile__about--channel">
<SubscribeButton uri={repostedChannelUri || uri} />
) : (
<UriIndicator focusable={false} uri={uri} link hideAnonymous>
<ChannelThumbnail uri={channelUri} xsmall />
<div className="claim-tile__about">
<UriIndicator uri={uri} link />
<div className="claim-tile__about--counts">
<FileViewCountInline uri={uri} />
<DateTime timeAgo uri={uri} />
{isRepost && (
<div className="claim-tile__repost-author">
<ClaimRepostAuthor uri={uri} />
export default withRouter(ClaimPreviewTile);