* Add option to pass in url-search params. Impetus: allow linked comment ID and setting the discussion tab when clicking on the `ClaimPreview`. * comment.list: fix typos and renamed variables - Switch from 'author' to 'creator' to disambiguate between comment author and content author. For comment author, we'll use 'commenter' from now on. - Corrected 'commenterClaimId' to 'creatorClaimId' (just a typo, no functional change). * doCommentReset: change param from uri to claimId This reduces one lookup as clients will always have the claimID ready, but might not have the full URI. It was using URI previously just to match the other APIs. * Add doCommentListOwn -- command to fetch own comments Since the redux slice is set up based on content or channel ID (for Channel Discussion page), re-use the channel ID for the case of "own comments". We always clear each ID when fetching page-0, so no worries of conflict when actually browsing the Channel Discussion page. * Comment: add option to hide the actions section * Implement own-comments page * Use new param to remove sort-pins-first. comment.List currently always pushes pins to the top to support pagination. This new param removes this behavior.
347 lines
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347 lines
17 KiB
// @flow
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
import { Route, Redirect, Switch, withRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
import * as PAGES from 'constants/pages';
import { PAGE_TITLE } from 'constants/pageTitles';
import { lazyImport } from 'util/lazyImport';
import { LINKED_COMMENT_QUERY_PARAM } from 'constants/comment';
import { parseURI, isURIValid } from 'lbry-redux';
import { SITE_TITLE, WELCOME_VERSION, SIMPLE_SITE } from 'config';
import LoadingBarOneOff from 'component/loadingBarOneOff';
import { GetLinksData } from 'util/buildHomepage';
import HomePage from 'page/home';
// @if TARGET='app'
const BackupPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/backup' /* webpackChunkName: "backup" */));
// @endif
// @if TARGET='web'
const Code2257Page = lazyImport(() => import('web/page/code2257' /* webpackChunkName: "code2257" */));
// @endif
// Chunk: "secondary"
const SignInPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/signIn' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const SignInWalletPasswordPage = lazyImport(() =>
import('page/signInWalletPassword' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */)
const SignUpPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/signUp' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const SignInVerifyPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/signInVerify' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
// Chunk: "wallet/secondary"
const BuyPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/buy' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const ReceivePage = lazyImport(() => import('page/receive' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const SendPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/send' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const SwapPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/swap' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const WalletPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/wallet' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
// Chunk: none
const NotificationsPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/notifications' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const CollectionPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/collection' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const ChannelNew = lazyImport(() => import('page/channelNew' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const ChannelsFollowingDiscoverPage = lazyImport(() =>
import('page/channelsFollowingDiscover' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */)
const ChannelsFollowingPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/channelsFollowing' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const ChannelsPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/channels' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const CheckoutPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/checkoutPage' /* webpackChunkName: "checkoutPage" */));
const CreatorDashboard = lazyImport(() => import('page/creatorDashboard' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const DiscoverPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/discover' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const EmbedWrapperPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/embedWrapper' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const FileListPublished = lazyImport(() => import('page/fileListPublished' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const FourOhFourPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/fourOhFour' /* webpackChunkName: "fourOhFour" */));
const HelpPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/help' /* webpackChunkName: "help" */));
const InvitePage = lazyImport(() => import('page/invite' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const InvitedPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/invited' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const LibraryPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/library' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const ListBlockedPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/listBlocked' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const ListsPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/lists' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const LiveStreamSetupPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/livestreamSetup' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const LivestreamCurrentPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/livestreamCurrent' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const OwnComments = lazyImport(() => import('page/ownComments' /* webpackChunkName: "ownComments" */));
const PasswordResetPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/passwordReset' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const PasswordSetPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/passwordSet' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const PublishPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/publish' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const ReportContentPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/reportContent' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const ReportPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/report' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const RepostNew = lazyImport(() => import('page/repost' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const RewardsPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/rewards' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const RewardsVerifyPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/rewardsVerify' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const SearchPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/search' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const SettingsStripeCard = lazyImport(() => import('page/settingsStripeCard' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const SettingsStripeAccount = lazyImport(() =>
import('page/settingsStripeAccount' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */)
const SettingsCreatorPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/settingsCreator' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const SettingsNotificationsPage = lazyImport(() =>
import('page/settingsNotifications' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */)
const SettingsPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/settings' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const ShowPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/show' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const TagsFollowingManagePage = lazyImport(() =>
import('page/tagsFollowingManage' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */)
const TagsFollowingPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/tagsFollowing' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const TopPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/top' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const UpdatePasswordPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/passwordUpdate' /* webpackChunkName: "passwordUpdate" */));
const Welcome = lazyImport(() => import('page/welcome' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
const YoutubeSyncPage = lazyImport(() => import('page/youtubeSync' /* webpackChunkName: "secondary" */));
// Tell the browser we are handling scroll restoration
if ('scrollRestoration' in history) {
history.scrollRestoration = 'manual';
type Props = {
currentScroll: number,
isAuthenticated: boolean,
location: { pathname: string, search: string, hash: string },
history: {
action: string,
entries: { title: string }[],
goBack: () => void,
goForward: () => void,
index: number,
length: number,
location: { pathname: string },
push: (string) => void,
state: {},
replaceState: ({}, string, string) => void,
listen: (any) => () => void,
uri: string,
title: string,
welcomeVersion: number,
hasNavigated: boolean,
setHasNavigated: () => void,
setReferrer: (string) => void,
hasUnclaimedRefereeReward: boolean,
homepageData: any,
type PrivateRouteProps = Props & {
component: any,
isAuthenticated: boolean,
function PrivateRoute(props: PrivateRouteProps) {
const { component: Component, isAuthenticated, ...rest } = props;
const urlSearchParams = new URLSearchParams(props.location.search);
const redirectUrl = urlSearchParams.get('redirect');
return (
render={(props) =>
isAuthenticated || !IS_WEB ? (
<Component {...props} />
) : (
<Redirect to={`/$/${PAGES.AUTH}?redirect=${redirectUrl || props.location.pathname}`} />
function AppRouter(props: Props) {
const {
location: { pathname, search, hash },
} = props;
const { entries, listen, action: historyAction } = history;
const entryIndex = history.index;
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(search);
const resetScroll = urlParams.get('reset_scroll');
const hasLinkedCommentInUrl = urlParams.get(LINKED_COMMENT_QUERY_PARAM);
const dynamicRoutes = GetLinksData(homepageData).filter(
(potentialRoute: any) => potentialRoute && potentialRoute.route
// For people arriving at settings page from deeplinks, know whether they can "go back"
useEffect(() => {
const unlisten = listen((location, action) => {
if (action === 'PUSH') {
if (!hasNavigated && setHasNavigated) setHasNavigated();
return unlisten;
}, [listen, hasNavigated, setHasNavigated]);
useEffect(() => {
if (!hasNavigated && hasUnclaimedRefereeReward && !isAuthenticated) {
const valid = isURIValid(uri);
if (valid) {
const { path } = parseURI(uri);
if (path !== 'undefined') setReferrer(path);
}, [hasNavigated, uri, hasUnclaimedRefereeReward, setReferrer, isAuthenticated]);
useEffect(() => {
const getDefaultTitle = (pathname: string) => {
const title = pathname.startsWith('/$/') ? PAGE_TITLE[pathname.substring(3)] : '';
return __(title) || (IS_WEB ? SITE_TITLE : 'LBRY');
if (uri) {
const { channelName, streamName } = parseURI(uri);
if (title) {
document.title = title;
} else if (streamName) {
document.title = streamName;
} else if (channelName) {
document.title = channelName;
} else {
document.title = getDefaultTitle(pathname);
} else {
document.title = getDefaultTitle(pathname);
// @if TARGET='app'
entries[entryIndex].title = document.title;
// @endif
}, [pathname, entries, entryIndex, title, uri]);
useEffect(() => {
if (!hasLinkedCommentInUrl) {
if (hash && historyAction === 'PUSH') {
const id = hash.replace('#', '');
const element = document.getElementById(id);
if (element) {
window.scrollTo(0, element.offsetTop);
} else {
window.scrollTo(0, currentScroll);
}, [currentScroll, pathname, search, hash, resetScroll, hasLinkedCommentInUrl, historyAction]);
// react-router doesn't decode pathanmes before doing the route matching check
// We have to redirect here because if we redirect on the server, it might get encoded again
// in the browser causing a redirect loop
const decodedUrl = decodeURIComponent(pathname) + search;
if (decodedUrl !== pathname + search) {
return <Redirect to={decodedUrl} />;
return (
<React.Suspense fallback={<LoadingBarOneOff />}>
{/* @if TARGET='app' */}
{welcomeVersion < WELCOME_VERSION && <Route path="/*" component={Welcome} />}
{/* @endif */}
<Redirect from={`/$/${PAGES.DEPRECATED__TAGS_FOLLOWING}`} to={`/$/${PAGES.TAGS_FOLLOWING}`} />
<Redirect from={`/$/${PAGES.DEPRECATED__PUBLISH}`} to={`/$/${PAGES.UPLOAD}`} />
<Redirect from={`/$/${PAGES.DEPRECATED__PUBLISHED}`} to={`/$/${PAGES.UPLOADS}`} />
<Route path={`/`} exact component={HomePage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.DISCOVER}`} exact component={DiscoverPage} />
{SIMPLE_SITE && <Route path={`/$/${PAGES.WILD_WEST}`} exact component={DiscoverPage} />}
{/* $FlowFixMe */}
{dynamicRoutes.map((dynamicRouteProps: RowDataItem) => (
component={(routerProps) => <DiscoverPage {...routerProps} dynamicRouteProps={dynamicRouteProps} />}
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.AUTH_SIGNIN}`} exact component={SignInPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.AUTH_PASSWORD_RESET}`} exact component={PasswordResetPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.AUTH_PASSWORD_SET}`} exact component={PasswordSetPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.AUTH}`} exact component={SignUpPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.AUTH}/*`} exact component={SignUpPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.WELCOME}`} exact component={Welcome} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.HELP}`} exact component={HelpPage} />
{/* @if TARGET='app' */}
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.BACKUP}`} exact component={BackupPage} />
{/* @endif */}
{/* @if TARGET='web' */}
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.CODE_2257}`} exact component={Code2257Page} />
{/* @endif */}
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.AUTH_VERIFY}`} exact component={SignInVerifyPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.SEARCH}`} exact component={SearchPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.TOP}`} exact component={TopPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.SETTINGS}`} exact component={SettingsPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.INVITE}/:referrer`} exact component={InvitedPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.CHECKOUT}`} exact component={CheckoutPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.REPORT_CONTENT}`} exact component={ReportContentPage} />
<Route {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.LIST}/:collectionId`} component={CollectionPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} exact path={`/$/${PAGES.YOUTUBE_SYNC}`} component={YoutubeSyncPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} exact path={`/$/${PAGES.TAGS_FOLLOWING}`} component={TagsFollowingPage} />
component={isAuthenticated || !IS_WEB ? ChannelsFollowingPage : DiscoverPage}
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.SETTINGS_NOTIFICATIONS}`} component={SettingsNotificationsPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.SETTINGS_STRIPE_CARD}`} component={SettingsStripeCard} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.SETTINGS_STRIPE_ACCOUNT}`} component={SettingsStripeAccount} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.SETTINGS_UPDATE_PWD}`} component={UpdatePasswordPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.INVITE}`} component={InvitePage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.CHANNEL_NEW}`} component={ChannelNew} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.REPOST_NEW}`} component={RepostNew} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.UPLOADS}`} component={FileListPublished} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.CREATOR_DASHBOARD}`} component={CreatorDashboard} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.UPLOAD}`} component={PublishPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.REPORT}`} component={ReportPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.REWARDS}`} exact component={RewardsPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.REWARDS_VERIFY}`} component={RewardsVerifyPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.LIBRARY}`} component={LibraryPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.LISTS}`} component={ListsPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.TAGS_FOLLOWING_MANAGE}`} component={TagsFollowingManagePage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.SETTINGS_BLOCKED_MUTED}`} component={ListBlockedPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.SETTINGS_CREATOR}`} component={SettingsCreatorPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.WALLET}`} exact component={WalletPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.CHANNELS}`} component={ChannelsPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.LIVESTREAM}`} component={LiveStreamSetupPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.LIVESTREAM_CURRENT}`} component={LivestreamCurrentPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.BUY}`} component={BuyPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.RECEIVE}`} component={ReceivePage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.SEND}`} component={SendPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.SWAP}`} component={SwapPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.NOTIFICATIONS}`} component={NotificationsPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.AUTH_WALLET_PASSWORD}`} component={SignInWalletPasswordPage} />
<PrivateRoute {...props} path={`/$/${PAGES.SETTINGS_OWN_COMMENTS}`} component={OwnComments} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.EMBED}/:claimName`} exact component={EmbedWrapperPage} />
<Route path={`/$/${PAGES.EMBED}/:claimName/:claimId`} exact component={EmbedWrapperPage} />
{/* Below need to go at the end to make sure we don't match any of our pages first */}
<Route path="/:claimName" exact component={ShowPage} />
<Route path="/:claimName/:streamName" exact component={ShowPage} />
<Route path="/*" component={FourOhFourPage} />
export default withRouter(AppRouter);