## Issue
5882: tip unlock + claim id detials missing from markdown posts view
## Notes
The easiest solution would be to put `FileDescription` into posts, but I think that goes against the clean up of the Post layout, where the focus should be on the content. The faded style of the File Details section seems too distracting, plus we don't want the File Description anyway.
Fixed by:
- Make the existing "LBC amount" clickable to show credit details. An additional padlock will appear if the content is yours and you have tips to unlock.
- Add an "info" icon beside it to show file details.
These "link" buttons are usually lit, but I dimmed it in this case to make them stand out less. Again, focusing on Post content instead of buttons.
* Fix ability to delete own comments in livestream
## Issue
5832: can't remove own comments in live stream mode (if you have multiple channels?)
Looks like it was just missing `commentIsMine` for the new component.
* Disable editing livestream comments
It doesn't do anything at the moment, anyways.
* Disable deleting hyperchats
The "total tipped" will get deducted when hyperchats are deleted, which doesn't make sense (doesn't reflect actual total that the creator received).
* Swap: populate 'status' from 'btc/swap' response instead of waiting for first websocket input.
## Issue
Clsoes 5975: swap stop at processing even though response comes through
## Notes
Occasionally, the first websocket message doesn't come through (seems like the commerce didn't send?). There's really no need to wait for one more 'status=NEW' message to ensure the right data is being populated (being over-cautious here).
* Beautify the "exact amount" advice.
Scenarios where active livestreams will not appear:
- creation date is way back.
- homepage section options excludes livestreams.
Make an explicit `claim_search` but with `has_no_source` if the client wants `liveLivestreamsFirst`.
If there are lots of channels with livestreams, there's a possibility that the final list will be larger than what was requested. We could trim it to be within the original `options.pageSize` range, but I left that out for now.
It would have been a clean implementation through `renderProperties`, but due to the need to adjust the opacity of `claim-preview__file-property-overlay` (the parent elemtn), I ended up having to create a new `live` attribute.
Differences with the original from 'livestreamList/view.jsx':
- Returns null instead of an empty object for the empty case. This removes the need for clients to create a temp array to determine if the list is empty ('Object.keys(x).length').
- Allow option to not periodically refresh by setting the interval to 0.
While looking at the next RC, I noticed the new languages were lost. I recall the new language commit included some refactoring which had to be reverted due to some webpack issue.
Re-add those languages in the old (non-refactored) method.
## Issue
One of the items in 5865 Video shortcut issues
This one is not really an issue, but it would be nice to match what the arrow keys are doing. Also, in slower regions, seeking 10s will almost always end up buffering.
## Issue
Channel links were showing the "This channel isn't staking enough LBRY Credits for link previews." -- channel links shouldn't be showing previews in the first place.
## Change
Moved the logic into `ClaimLink`, which is the better place to put it anyway. I think I was trying to not touch as many components as possible (i.e. not passing `allowPreview` down too many layers) in the initial implementation. This caused the `isChannel` consideration to be missed.
These only work in the `selectThumbnail` component. If it's small enough, it'll get past the transaction limit-check, but ultimately it doesn't appear correctly in the claim list.
It'll probably appear correctly if we tweak the ClaimPreview code, but since this also fails the Google Video metadata test, I think we should disallow this.
## Issue
Thumbnail errors were just being used in `selectThumbnail`. The form doesn't know about it and was using allowing invalid thumbnails like 'helloworld' to pass through.
I believe the rest of the GUI is setting 'thumbnail'.
'thumbnail_url' is only populated right before publishing.
So, the flag was always false -- we just never see the error on screen because the component is incorrectly hidden (fix for this is coming up next...)