Improve logic for own comments showing first #6073

saltrafael merged 1 commit from comments_improve into master 2021-05-17 21:55:23 +02:00
saltrafael commented 2021-05-16 14:56:59 +02:00 (Migrated from

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Issue Number: A fix from ()

What is the current behavior?

I just noticed when you add multiple comments they replace each other at the top:

What is the new behavior?

Improved the logic so that all show up:

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## PR Checklist <!-- For the checkbox formatting to work properly, make sure there are no spaces on either side of the "x" --> Please check all that apply to this PR using "x": - [X] I have checked that this PR is not a duplicate of an existing PR (open, closed or merged) - [X] I have checked that this PR does not introduce a breaking change - [ ] This PR introduces breaking changes and I have provided a detailed explanation below ## PR Type What kind of change does this PR introduce? - [X] Bugfix - [ ] Feature - [ ] Code style update (formatting) - [ ] Refactoring (no functional changes) - [ ] Documentation changes - [ ] Other - Please describe: ## Fixes Issue Number: A fix from (#5939) ## What is the current behavior? I just noticed when you add multiple comments they replace each other at the top: ![]( ![]( ## What is the new behavior? Improved the logic so that all show up: ![]( ## Other information <!-- If this PR contains a breaking change, please describe the impact and solution strategy for existing applications below. -->
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Reference: LBRYCommunity/lbry-desktop#6073
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