All <Setting*> components will have an ID that corresponds to the sidebar link. When clicked, we scroll to the position of the card by searching for the element with the ID. It behaves simiar to # anchor navigation.
I like this model mainly because in Mobile, users don't need to keep opening the drawer to navigate -- they just need to scroll. This allows us to use the same design for Mobile and App.
Placed settings that we allow for unauthenticated users under <SettingUnauthenticated>. While it is redundant, it's easier to handle the grouping, and more readable overall.
Also made visual changes for the new Settings Page.
## SyncToggle:
It will no longer be under a dedicated Card, so the "Sync" title is not there to give context for the case of "no verified email".
Changed it such that the checkbox is always visible (it's label is self-explanatory) but disable when email is not set. The "Add Email" button will then appear below, so everything now makes sense in context.
* remove help card from lists page
* filtering to playlists page
* refactor
* clear playlists filter on escape
* rename
* no show playlist limit for now
## Issue
If the linked-comment is also a pinned comment, it was displayed twice.
## Fix
When separating out pinned comments, I forgot that `comment.ByID` was another place where we fetch comments.
* Automatically claim initial rewards (new_user & email_verified) when accessing creating channel, edit channel and upload
* Do not try to get initial rewards if already claimed.
## Tickets
- 5504 Signing out of account causes page to break in other tabs
- 6829 merged accounts - force log out / fail sync when x-auth-token and cookie auth token are different
## Steps to replicate
1. Login to odysee with account-A.
2. Open another tab, and split both tabs on the screen.
3. Logout from the 1st tab. Do not activate (focus) the 2nd tab.
4. On the 1st tab, login with account-B.
5. Activate (focus) the 2nd tab. The wallet would have been merged, and we are still logged in as account-A.
## Approach
Reload when the LBRY API token no longer matches the auth token.
## Ticket
5457 Create file thumbnail fallback image for odysee
## Approach
Since `background-image` does not invoke an `onerror` event, create a test Image instance to have the `onerror` capability. This technique is used by majority of plugins. No additional fetch is seen with this technique.
## Ticket
6879: Previously pinned livestream comments show as latest
## Issue
`comment.List` will always display the pinned comment first, hence the problem when the chat is refreshed.
## Approach
Completely split pinned comments from top-level comments in the Reducer, and the let the GUI (e.g. regular comments, livestream comments) decide how they want to display it.
For the case of livestream, there is no need to repeat the pinned comments in the regular chat area, since there is a dedicated area on top.
## Ticket
6886 Livestream auto-scroll problems
## Issue
- `performedInitialScroll` was problematic as it won't allow auto-scroll even when user scrolled back to the bottom.
- The dependence on `commentElement` seems to assume a certain comment height? Not sure.
## Approach
- Add a scroll listener and stash the last scroll position.
- When a message is received, check if it's at the bottom. If yes, maintain that position after the new comment is added. If not, leave as is.
- When submitting a comment, always reset to the bottom.
## Ticket
6743: Desktop: "Back" in Following Page no longer restores scroll position
## Issue
This was a side-effect of "6609 claimListDiscover: don't re-render until query is done". That PR did not handle the case of navigating backwards, which typically would just need to display past results. It ended up always starting with a blank list on mount, so the scroll position could not be restored correctly.
I don't know why it still worked on Web/Chrome -- maybe the latest browser knows how to move to desired scroll position when the height is available.
## Change
If navigating backwards, initialize the final URI list with the previous result. It is almost always correct, and if not, will be corrected in the effects. This saves us one re-render when navigating backwards too.