add watch later hover action
replace watch later popup item for favorites
styling for watch_later overlay
Add label
Use just claim, add requiresAuth
Add list icon
Tone down text
Turn WL Hover Button into component
Change WL hover icons
small revert
Keep watch later in the menu
## Issue
- `Comment.replies` currently represent all replies, while `comment.List` returns a filtered version, so the actual replies could be less.
- The actual replies is represented by `total_filtered_items`, but we only get that after making a fetch. So, users could click "Show more" but get nothing.
## Fix
- Stop showing "Show more" based on `total_filtered_items`.
- If there is a balance, display 1 dummy comment to represent all blocked replies. This handles the case of "Show more" being displayed but ended up with 0 replies if all replies were blocked.
## Future
Note that `Comment.replies` might be changed to represented filtered comments in the near future (refer to Beamer), so the GUI is made such that the dummy just won't appear when that change happens.
## Root-cause
videojs was recently upgraded.
## Change
Override videojs default theme of hiding the time control in smaller layouts.
## Issue
The loading circle wasn't showing up, causing confusion.
Splitting CSS doesn't seem trivial as there seems to be a huge dependency on the load order. Pretty much similar to what this person is facing
## Change
This reverts videojs-specific changes from 4d638bcf.
about to test something
generate programatically
beginning of the frontend
stripe integration page seems to be working
add user
put functionality behind conditional tag
connect frontend working well
adding environment variables to save success and failure url
final clean up
adding credit card page
seems to be coming along
calls successfully coming from the frontend
fixing up frontend
cleaning up
frontend coming along
client secret working
basic frontend in place
adding tip page
adding more to the tip frontend
frontend almost done
tabs coming along
one last thing to do for frontend
adding explainer text as custom function
putting finishing touches on tabs
support tabs working well
disable fiat toggle when card not connected
fix frontend gui bug
bugfix and pull out label function
fix symbol for tip gui
modal when card is not yet saved
fix fiat disabled bug
knowing whether card is added programatically
sending tip with frontend
tip functionality working
show unpaid balance
add frontend for card add section
update frontend
update frontend
change to use react instead of css
update how stripe is instantiated
fix bug
use customer setup
coming along
working but needs optimization
persist if card is saved
adding anonymous tip functionality
fix nan bug
build stripe endpoints programatically
show for all users for time being
allow the stripe key to automatically switch to live environment
fix jslint
fix channel page support button
better docs
show customer transactions on frontend
basic table in place
various page updates per jeremys notes
showing card details
nicer tip history table
add better prompt to add card on file viewer page
some linting
put connect account behind fiat enabled
no persist fiat mode
wallet calls
tip stuff
## Issue
Closes: 6196 Bright Theme is Broken
## Notes
I was trying to fix the problem of the border not visible in Desktop Dark because the highlight color was the same as the border color. The approach didn't take Light and Odysee into account ... oops.
Round 2.
wip - everything but publish, autoplay, and styling
collection publishing
add channel to collection publish
clear mass add after success
move collection item management controls
redirect replace to published collection id
playlist selector on create
use new collection add ui element
add content json
context add to playlist
basic collections page style pass wip
wip: edits, buttons, styles...
change fileAuthor to claimAuthor
update, pending bugfixes, delete modal progress, collection header, other bugfixes
show page bugfix
builtin collection headers
no playlists, no grid title
style tweaks
use normal looking claim previews for collection tiles
add collection changes
style library previews
collection menulist for delete/view on library
delete modal works for unpublished
rearrange collection publish tabs
clean up collection publishing and items
show on odysee
begin collectoin edit header and css renaming
better thumbnails
fix collection publish redirect
view collection in menu does something
copy and thumbs
list previews, pending, context menus, list page
enter to add collection, lists page empty state
playable lists only, delete feature, bump
put fileListDownloaded back
better collection titles
improve collection claim details
fix horiz more icon
fix up channel page
style, copy, bump
refactor preview overlay properties,
fix reposts showing as floppydisk
add watch later toast,
small overlay properties on wunderbar results,
fix collection actions buttons
cleaning, refactoring
preview thumb styling, cleanup
support discover page lists search
sync, bump
bump, fix sync more
enforce builtin order for now
new lists page empty state
try to indicate unpublished edits in lists
fix autoplay and linting
consts, fix autoplay
fix, bump
lists experimental ui, fixes
refactor listIndex out
hack in collection fallback thumb
Since is going away, I tried not to touch the css file much so that the merge into `odysee` won't affect it. The side effect is that the links are now white instead of the regular link color.
1. Lock the width of the second pane so that the layout doesn't shift after the image is fetched.
2. The image is huge, so pass through the optimizer.
- Wait until the container is mounted to get the exact image width.
Unfortunately, it still takes 0.8s on average to fetch the image, regardless of how small the image has been optimized.
Login graphic improvements
1. Lock the width of the second pane so that the layout doesn't shift after the image is fetched.
2. The image is huge, so pass through the optimizer.
- Wait until the container is mounted to get the exact image width.
Unfortunately, it still takes 1s (on average) to fetch the image, regardless of how small the image has been optimized.
## Issue
Closes "6056 Extend notificaiton text to show more characters"
## Notes
Looking at the code and comments, I couldn't figure out what was the reason for adding the width constraint (just in case this breaks something).
My guesses:
- Try not to make the rhs thumbnail too far apart from the lhs thumbnail.
- Try not to make the rhs thumbnail misaligned due to dynamic width of the "xx days ago" string on the far right.
## Changes:
Extended the width as much as possible, while retaining some gap before the "xx days ago" string and "unread dot" so that thumbnails stay align in the general case.
The components still reflows nicely (as it did previously) per window-size.
* Markdown: make '>Quote' look less like a banner
Quotes should be subtle as it is primarily intended for redundant content, but currently it looks more like a banner that brings lots of focus.
This change is also background-independent. Currently, the Quotes in Posts doesn't look like it has a background color, because it happened to be the same as the Post's background. This makes it inconsistent with Quotes in Comments. Let's just always make it blend in + grayish text.
* Markdown: inline code tweak
- better symmetry
- less spacing to the left and right, since it's common to already have a space in the sentence (even if it doesn't, like in CJK, the new spacing looks sufficient).
* 4481: Use regular font in Markdown Editor
I think we should not use Monospace fonts for the Markdown Editor since we are not coding.
Similar to Github, code-blocks and inline-code only gets converted to monospace in the Preview.
## Issue
- Closes 5998 Theme color problems
- "_Seeing the theme go blue when a modal pops up. There's a change in color on Odysee branch also when this happens (but not as apparent)_"
1. Fix overlay background color back to gray theme.
2. Also, fixed the Active Toggle Button back to primary colors.
3. Fix hard-to-read "videojs time tooltip". Using the primary colors is a nice touch, but people have complained in Discord that it's too dim given it's transparent background. Just use 'white' instead. Don't use '--color-white' since that's a bit dimmed down.
4. Fix odd highlight in the volume slider (the bright primary color was used in the background).
* Release date -- initial attempt (squashed and rebased)
- Use white color for calendar buttons in release date input
- Update icon color for release date input
- Allow to set time in release date and display it under additional options
- Add release date field
* Upgrade to latest react-datetime-picker.
I believe this also picks up the y18n security fix.
* Handle dark theme and general style fixes.
* [+redux] Change how release_time is edited.
- `releaseTime` is now a number instead of a string, matching `release_time`. It was getting confusing what the variable units were.
- `releaseTime` will always match `release_time` for an edit. It will be used in the GUI to reset just the date to the original, instead of having to reset the entire form.
- `releaseTimeEdited` will be used by `updatePublishForm` in the GUI to represent the desired new release time. Set to `undefined` if we don't want to change the date.
* Add 'Reset|Now|Default' buttons instead of overloading the date-picker's "X" button.
Before this, the "X" button resets to the original (previous) publish date for Edits, and resets to current time for New Claims. This is very confusing, so added explicit text-based buttons -- hopefully this is more intuitive.
* bump redux to master
Co-authored-by: Franco Montenegro <>
Co-authored-by: Thomas Zarebczan <>
* Add ICON.INFO - "i" within a circle.
Basically, an inverted ICON.ALERT.
* Posts: restore "Tip unlock | Claim details" component
## Issue
5882: tip unlock + claim id detials missing from markdown posts view
## Notes
The easiest solution would be to put `FileDescription` into posts, but I think that goes against the clean up of the Post layout, where the focus should be on the content. The faded style of the File Details section seems too distracting, plus we don't want the File Description anyway.
Fixed by:
- Make the existing "LBC amount" clickable to show credit details. An additional padlock will appear if the content is yours and you have tips to unlock.
- Add an "info" icon beside it to show file details.
These "link" buttons are usually lit, but I dimmed it in this case to make them stand out less. Again, focusing on Post content instead of buttons.