Effects cannot be defined after the render function returns early, so it was not possible to add new effects when the derived variables that it depends on are way down below.
## Ticket
1308, 1363 - "Hide/skip "removed" recsys entries"
## Change
Ported the `isAbandoned` handling from the list-layout to the tile-layout (yet another grumble on why tile vs. list is not just a css difference but an entire different component).
## Misc
Because "ClaimList + tileLayout" was showing abandoned claims by default, search around to see if it was still needed. I think only collectionsListMine would require that (or maybe not, can remove later).
As of this commit, only the Channel Page is fetching the data through the new API, which has the viewer count correctly populated.
For both "0" and "undefined", continue to show as "LIVE".
* Factor out lighthouse-result processing code for FYP re-use.
The FYP results will be in the same format as LH.
* Recsys: add ability to pass in specific uuid to use
For FYP, we want to pass the UUID as a param when searching for recommendations. The search comes before the recsys entry creation, so we need to generate the UUID first when searching, and then tell recsys to use that specific ID.
* Redux: fetch and store FYP
Note that the gid cannot be used as "hash" for the uri list -- it doesn't necessarily change when the list changes, so we can't use it to optimize redux. For now, just always update/render when re-fetched.
* UI for FYP
* Mark rendered FYPs
* Pass the FYP ID down the same way as Collection ID
Not ideal, but at least it's in the same pattern as existing code for now. The whole prop-drilling problem with the claim components will be fixed together later.
* Include 'gid' and 'uuid' in recommendation search
* Allow users to mark recommendations that they dislike
* Pass auth-token to all FYP requests + remove beacon use
beacons are unreliable and often blocked
* Only show FYP for members
* FYP readme page
* small fixes
* fyp
Co-authored-by: Thomas Zarebczan <thomas.zarebczan@gmail.com>
* Add swipe layout support for Collection Tiles
* Lists: use swipe layout for mobile
Ticket: 950 "playlists page - right now we show watch later on top, and if you have stuff here, you have to scroll down to other playlists. Show a selector on top? Whatever other improvements we can make here to improve UX."
* Add ordering Icons
* Refactor doCollectionEdit
- It required claims as parameter, when only uris are used to populate the collection, so that was changed to pass down the uris instead.
- There were unused and mostly unnecessary functions inside, for example the parameter claimIds was never used so it would never enter the claimSearch function which again would be used to generate uris, so it's better to just use uris as parameter
* Add List Reordering changes
* Add toggle button for list editing
* Add toggle on content page collection sidebar
* Enable drag-n-drop to re-order list items
* Allow removing all unavailable claims from a List
* Fix <g> on icons
* Fix section buttons positioning
* Move preventDefault and stopPropagation to buttons div instead of each button, preventing clicking even if disabled opening the claim
* Change dragging cursor
* Fix sizing
* Fix dragging component
* Restrict dragging to vertical axis
* Ignore shuffle state for ordering
* Fix console errors
* Mobile fixes
* Fix sidebar spacing
* Fix grey on mobile after click
* Test out a horizontal scroll for upcoming (tile only for now)
* - add support for list layout
- add following label on home page
- clan up css and naming conventions
* Update header type + show only if scheduled streams are showing
- Memo not required. `resolvingUris` is very dynamic and is a short array anyways.
- Changeg from using `indexOf` to `includes`, which is more concise.
* Exclude default homepage data at compile time
The youtuber IDs alone is pretty huge, and is unused in the `CUSTOM_HOMEPAGE=true` configuration.
* Remove Desktop items and other cleanup
- Moved constants out of the component.
- Remove SIMPLE_SITE check.
- Remove Desktop-only items
* Sidebar: limit subscription and tag section
## Issue
Too slow for huge lists
## Change
Limit to 10 initially, and load everything on "Show more"
* Fix makeSelectThumbnailForUri
- Fix memo
- Expose function to extract directly from claim if client already have it.
## Issue
- Each tile was checking against 4 blocklists (blacklisted, filtered, muted, commentron) on every render. Loading the front-page with Cheese alone caused 1400 calls.
- This is also part of the reason why pressing Back into the tile list takes forever.
## Fix
Since we still need to perform the checks at the app side for now, tried to memoize the operation through a selector.
## Issue
`makeSelectDataForUri` always returns a new reference, so `ClaimPreview` was constantly being rendered. It's pretty expensive since `ClaimPreview`'s rendering checks against a huge blocklist, which is another issue on it's own.
## Changes
- This commit tests the usage of `re-reselect` as the solution to the multi-instance memoization problem (https://github.com/toomuchdesign/re-reselect/blob/master/examples/1-join-selectors.md)
* fix issue where viewcounts were creating a new line
* conditionally add large view css
* conditionally apply class based on if view count should be shown
* last couple touchups
* clean up the css
* add scss to flow config
* add scss component to flow config
* ❌ Remove old method of displaying active livestreams
Completely remove it for now to make the commit deltas clearer.
We'll replace it with the new method at the end.
* Fetch and store active-livestream info in redux
* Tiles can now query active-livestream state from redux instead of getting from parent.
* ⏪ ClaimTilesDiscover: revert and cleanup
## Simplify
- Simplify to just `uris` instead of having multiple arrays (`uris`, `modifiedUris`, `prevUris`)
- The `prevUris` is for CLS prevention. With this removal, the CLS issue is back, but we'll handle it differently later.
- Temporarily disable the view-count fetching. Code is left there so that I don't forget.
## Fix
- `shouldPerformSearch` was never true when `prefixUris` is present. Corrected the logic.
- Aside: prefix and pin is so similar in function. Hm ....
* ClaimTilesDiscover: factor out options
## Change
Move the `option` code outside and passed in as a pre-calculated prop.
## Reason
To skip rendering while waiting for `claim_search`, we need to add `React.memo(areEqual)`. However, the flag that determines if we are fetching `claim_search` (fetchingClaimSearchByQuery[]) depends on the derived options as the key.
Instead of calculating `options` twice, we moved it to the props so both sides can use it.
It also makes the component a bit more readable.
The downside is that the prop-passing might not be clear.
* ClaimTilesDiscover: reduce ~17 renders at startup to just 2.
* ClaimTilesDiscover: fill with placeholder while waiting for claim_search
## Issue
Livestream claims are fetched seperately, so they might already exists. While claim_search is running, the list only consists of livestreams (collapsed).
## Fix
Fill up the space with placeholders to prevent layout shift.
* Add 'useFetchViewCount' to handle fetching from lists
This effect also stashes fetched uris, so that we won't re-fetch the same uris during the same instance (e.g. during infinite scroll).
* ⏪ ClaimListDiscover: revert and cleanup
## Revert
- Removed the 'finalUris' stuff that was meant to "pause" visual changes when fetching. I think it'll be cleaner to use React.memo to achieve that.
## Alterations
- Added `renderUri` to make it clear which array that this component will render.
- Re-do the way we fetch view counts now that 'finalUris' is gone. Not the best method, but at least correct for now.
* ClaimListDiscover: add prefixUris, similar to ClaimTilesDiscover
This will be initially used to append livestreams at the top.
* ✅ Re-enable active livestream tiles using the new method
* doFetchActiveLivestreams: add interval check
- Added a default minimum of 5 minutes between fetches. Clients can bypass this through `forceFetch` if needed.
* doFetchActiveLivestreams: add option check
We'll need to support different 'orderBy', so adding an "options check" when determining if we just made the same fetch.
* WildWest: limit livestream tiles + add ability to show more
Most likely this behavior will change in the future, so we'll leave `ClaimListDiscover` untouched and handle the logic at the page level.
This solution uses 2 `ClaimListDiscover` -- if the reduced livestream list is visible, it handles the header; else the normal list handles the header.
* Use better tile-count on larger screens.
Used the same method as how the homepage does it.
## Issue
6776 Missing follow button on channel reposts
- Missing:
- Fix: For reposts, `parseURI` will fail to determine if it's a channel because the URL doesn't have enough info. Determine from the claim object instead.
- Not working in Channel Page:
- Fix: The repost uri doesn't link back to the source channel, so we'll need to handle it.
## Issue
3587 Show content view counts on channel pages
## Notes
Limited to just "channel pages" for now as specified in the ticket.
Can be enabled for all claim previews, as long as there's an efficient spot to run the batch fetching. Either make `fetchViewCount` prop default to true, or add the parameter in places that need it.
## Issue
## Notes
`parseURI` will return `isChannel=false` due to the reposted channel URL not having the '@' symbol.
Since we already have the claim object, check `value_type` directly instead.
Pop up Menu Fixes and Improvements
Improve re-directs
Fix file deletion
Improve code, and more
Fix List Layout collection popup
Allow to edit list
Fix blocking when not logged or no channel
Fix Edit and Delete showing for not owned Lists
Fix actions breaking when not logged in
Fix List options not showing
Shorten logic